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Turning the unit off will cancel any sleep, quiet, or timer functions. HEAT. Once the unit is turned on, the indoor set point is the default temperature. 898147-UUM-B-0713. USER'S INFORMATION MANUAL. SINGLE AND MULTI-ZONE DUCTLESS SYSTEM. AIR CONDITIONER OR HEAT PUMP. MODELS: 16 & 22 SEER. TABLE OF CONTENTS. *Heating mode is only available for heat pump models. Airflow direction control. Horizontal airflow control (with the remote controller). Using remote Auto mode is default after power on. Under the Auto mode, the setting temperature will not be displayed; Under the Heat mode, the initial value is 28°C (Heat Controller, Inc. • 1900 Wellworth Ave. Remote controller specifications. HEAT*. FAN. *NOTE: Heat pump models only Gree LIVV09HP230V1A Series Manual Online: Remote Controller Introduction Of mode Fan mode Heat mode Clock Sleep mode Light Temp. display type :Set temp. Press" v7 " one time ,the temperature reduces about 1°F (or TC). Cool/Heat(Fan)/Dry mode Operation Procedure. With the remote controller pointing toward the air Operating Instructions. Care and Maintenance following instructions must be followed. Heating. (Heat pump model only). To lower the temperature. winia air conditioner remote manual gibson mini split remote control instructions windair heat pump reviews utl heat pump error codeskerr mini split heat
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